All Hail Petty

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Can I just say I am sooooooooooooooo excited for the Tom Petty show this week?!!! I can hardly sleep at night! This pure anticipation (otherwise known as ants in my pants) reminds me of the feeling I used to get the week before Christmas. Yep . . . Tom’s like my St. Nick now!

Things I’m gonna do at the concert:
-Jump up and down like a hyperactive kid hopped up on sugar
-Scream at the top of my lungs to the point where I can’t talk the next day
-Sing at the top of my lungs while standing on my chair
-Flip the bird to anyone who tries to stop me from singing at the top of my lungs while standing on my chair
-Smile in appreciation that the MTS Centre is finally bringing big names to WPG.
-Watch thousands of people smoke a spliff during Mary Jane’s Last Dance

Things I’m scared I might do at the concert:
-Jump up and down like a hyperactive kid hopped up on sugar
-Get so excited that I puke
-Get so excited that I pee myself
-Get so excited that I both puke and pee myself at the same time
-Flash Tom Petty (ok I’m not that type of girl but for this concert I’d consider flushing all my moral standings down the toilet)
-Offend Tom Petty by flushing all my moral standings down the toilet
-Wear a Tom Petty T-shirt to the concert (please God if you’re out there . . . don’t let this happen!)
-Make a banner that says, "Marry me Tom or at least take me on tour with you . . . At the very least just sign my stomach"

All jokes aside I’m a huge fan and I have humongous respect for Mr. Petty. I can’t wait for the night of Noel to come early this year. For the first time ever in August I fell like saying happy holidays everybody!

P.S. For interest sake here’s a link to the set list from the recent Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers show in MN (July 23rd/08).

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