Amber Epp (Solo, Trio Bembe, Papa Mambo)

Folk Jazz Latin Jazz World Music

Amber Epp (Solo, Trio Bembe, Papa Mambo)


The shortest distance between a Mennonite choir and an open-air jazz patio in Havana is Amber Epp. A childhood of singing at the dinner table and exploring the piano (with her fingers and her toes) has not surprisingly culminated in music filled with adventure, discovery, joy, and a Western Canadian Music Award for one of her four CDs. A connoisseur of musical genres, Amber transports you with her to wherever she's going. No matter the language, no matter the country, from Cuba to the Yukon, Amber leaves you with a heart pumping out the rhythms of the world.

“You instantly know you're in great hands from the moment Amber Epp begins singing. The depth and breadth of her skill becomes evident - and suddenly, you are transported to wherever she wants to take you, and you can't help but be entirely seduced.” – Heather Bishop

Amber Epp's "Canadiana" project features new arrangements of songs from the Great Canadian Songbook, including songs by The Guess Who, Joni Mitchell, The Tragically Hip, Leonard Cohen, K-OS, kd Lang, Arcade Fire, and more.


Inside Outside



"One Step Blues" from Inside Outside


Turn it Around by Amber Epp (Solo, Trio Bembe, Papa Mambo)

Arlington by Amber Epp (Solo, Trio Bembe, Papa Mambo)

MB Live Sessions by Amber Epp (Solo, Trio Bembe, Papa Mambo)

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Amber Epp: Canadiana by Amber Epp (Solo, Trio Bembe, Papa Mambo)

All I Want by Amber Epp (Solo, Trio Bembe, Papa Mambo)

All I Want (LIVE) by Amber Epp (Solo, Trio Bembe, Papa Mambo)

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