Children's Folk Rock Roots
James Culleton is an artist who's learned all the rules - and now breaks them. For fun. And because, ultimately, rules keep us in line, in lanes. Breaking them - joyfully - expands our world.
That's a message kids need to hear. And frankly, adults do too.
We've got too many shows about how to put our lives into tidy piles and clear boxes. We've got too many instagram feeds shaming us with their filtered perfection and curated control.
A carefree approach to life is contagious when it is fueled with curiosity, compassion and creativity. "Why not? Just do it!"... You can almost hear him whispering in your ear, nudging you on. And until you pick up a paint brush or guitar yourself, you can follow James on his artistic journey(s) and share the (super!)fun of where he takes you.
James Culleton is a Canadian contemporary multimedia artist and musician based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Superfun is his tenth album as a songwriter and his second kid’s album. As Culleton’s two children grew up and attended French elementary school in Winnipeg, Culleton did many performances in each of their classes in French and English. Interactions and collaborations with Al Simmons have helped inform his work. Culleton has performed his songs at many festivals and venues in Manitoba including the Winnipeg Folk Festival, the Canadian Museum For Human Rights, the Festival du Voyageur, the Harvest Sun Music Festival, Ecole Precieux Sang, The Crankie Fest, The Forks in Winnipeg, the Harvest Moon Festival, the Rainbow Trout Music Festival, The West End Cultural Centre, The Park Theatre, The Times Change(d), and the North Dakota Musuem of Art. His public art is in playgrounds, in the community and at festivals and offer a strong connection to community.
James Culleton est un artiste qui a appris toutes les règles - et maintenant les enfreint. Pour s'amuser. Et parce qu'en fin de compte, les règles nous maintiennent en ligne, dans les couloirs. Les briser - joyeusement - élargit notre monde.
C'est un message que les enfants doivent entendre. Et franchement, les adultes aussi.
Nous avons trop d'émissions sur la façon de mettre nos vies dans des piles bien rangées et des boîtes claires. Nous avons trop de flux Instagram qui nous font honte avec leur perfection filtrée et leur contrôle organisé.
Une approche insouciante de la vie est contagieuse lorsqu'elle est alimentée par la curiosité, la compassion et la créativité. "Pourquoi pas? Fais-le!"... Vous pouvez presque l'entendre chuchoter à votre oreille, vous pousser du coude. Et jusqu'à ce que vous preniez vous-même un pinceau ou une guitare, vous pouvez suivre James dans son (ses) voyage(s) artistique(s) et partager le (super!)fun de l'endroit où il vous emmène.