Ken Kansas Album Release
- Date
- Friday, Sep 6, 2019 at 8pm
- Performers
- Roaring River Rangers
Ken Kansas
Jody Weger - Location
- Park Theatre
- Address
- 698 Osborne Street, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
- Advance Cost
check our the latest cd recorded from March 2018 – April 2019 at the most awesome, reverb soaked 100 year old church in Beresford, Manitoba.
Produced by Jaxon Haldane with owner/operator/stone mason/carpenter/multi-instrumentalist Jody Weger, the Roaring River Rangers including Danny Larson, Chris Carmichael, Lyle Baldwin, Tim Longbottom, Rob Cheswick, Andy Goertzen and more, roar through a dozen of Ken |Kansas’s latest songs…