Experimental pop six piece from Winnipeg to release four-song EP and get set to head west, south and north east in support before heading back in to the studio to finish up an LP.
"Four minutes of unashamed, unabashed, rot-your-teeth-sweet indie pop, and boy is it addictive," Crack In The Road
Royal Canoe is a group of musicians on a mission to contruct ambitious, inventive music. The songs are thick with catchiness, rich in rhythm and are consistently pushing against the boundaries of pop music. They spend almost every day in a shit-hole rehearsal space writing hooks, singing through effects pedals, scrawling lyrics on scraps of paper, and constructing heavy beats in odd time signatures. They create samples by running conventional sounds through unconventional pieces of gear, drumming on bathtubs and garbage cans, listening to Big Boi and manipulating bits of old records.
Extended Play Track Listing
1. Hold On To The Metal
2. Bathtubs
3. Bloodrush
4. Caught On A Loop