AMP Camp profiled in SAY Magazine

AMP Camp was recently profiled in the spring issue of the Spirit of Aboriginal Youth Magazine (SAY). The article is entitled “AMP Camp: Amplify your life!” and it provides an overview of the project. The submission process, workshop topics and music industry veterans who shared their experience and expertise with the group over the course of the week are identified along with the host organizations, MARIA’s Aboriginal Music Program and the Canada Council for the Arts.
“AMP Camp provided 23 Aboriginal recording artists with a chance to participate in songwriting circles, further develop their understanding of music and chord theory and learn how to deal with a number of music industry challenges,” explains Aboriginal Music Program Coordinator Alan Greyeyes. “I’m glad we had the opportunity to share a bit about what happened during the week with SAY Magazine and Aboriginal youth across the country.”
The photos of Don Amero (Manitoba), Leanne Goose (Northwest Territories), Curtis Peeteetuce (Saskatchewan) and Gail Obediah (Ontario) are featured in the article along with testimonials from each of them about their experience at AMP Camp. The AMP Camp group photo is included at the end of the article.
The Aboriginal Music Program has a partnership with SAY Magazine to provide information about career opportunities for Aboriginal people in the music industry.
SAY Magazine is published four times a year and is available at Chapters-Indigo stores nation-wide.
For more information, please feel free to visit the SAY Magazine website: