In The News: Manitoba Music News Stories from Around the Web

Del Barber performs live on Q with Jian Ghomeshi - CBC Radio
Arun Chaturvedi talks about getting the best from your singer (flip to p59). - Canadian Musician
Composer Robert Turner's music legacy celebrated. - CBC Manitoba Scene
JD Edwards helps celebrate Woody Guthrie's 100th. - Uptown
A tour de force from Imaginary Cities. -
The whole city's a stage for The Dusty Roads Band - Winnipeg Free Press
The Sturgeons swim downstream. - CBC Manitoba Scene
Romi Mayes gets lucky with new record. - The Record
A conversation with teenage singer/songwriter Cassidy Mann - Indian Country Today Media Network
Jeff Presslaff in Miles Davis homage conjures a "Rebirth of the Cool". - Edmonton Journal
JP Hoe CD Release review - Square Peg City
Ingrid Gatin: Have accordion, will travel. - The Telegram
Exclaim! reviews Jenny Berkel's Here on a Wire. - Exclaim!
The WECC's Jason Hooper talks Bands Vs. Filmmakers. - Citytv