Farewell Natanielle, Welcome Dave

It is with sadness that we announce that Natanielle Felicitas is leaving Manitoba Music as of February 8. Our Administrative Assistant for the last two years, Nat has been a friendly face at the front desk, helping anyone who came into, or contacted, our office. She has been an invaluable asset to our team. She has brought a lot to Manitoba Music and her dedication, insight, organization, humour, serenity, and foresight will be greatly missed. Look for Nat and her cello on a stage near you, as she plans to concentrate on her artistic endeavours. We wish Nat the very best and have no doubt that we’ll be seeing and hearing a lot more from her.
We’re pleased to announce that Dave Henry, who has been our Music Industry Research Intern since November, will be stepping into Nat’s place on a part-time basis, so be sure to stop by our office to introduce yourself.