Transmission: What We're Reading

Thump The Mayor of London, Speaks Out about Fabric's Recently Announced Closure
The Guardian Berlin nightclub Berghain wins 'culturally significant' status
AUX Spotify is creating its own songs and crediting them to fake artists
REDEF Who makes your playlists? A consideration of the differences in algorithm- and human-based music recommendations.
Steregum CMJ Sure Seems To Be Over. So How Come Nobody Is Talking About It?
Pitchfork Music Is Art, OK: Why Chicago’s Absurd Nightclub Shakedown Matters
A.V. Club Why Canadian bands (sometimes) can’t make it in the States
Wired Why Dropping Music on Friday Is Pivotal (Hint: It’s Not Sales)
Crack Magazine Reconsidering punk: how women are rewriting punk’s timeline
Music Business Worldwide Universal is now making $28M every week from streaming, but downloads are down 29%
Consequence of Sound Universal to ban streaming exclusives after being spurned by Frank Ocean
Quartz Why Japan has more old-fashioned music stores than anywhere else in the world
AUX Illinois Amusement Tax could kill Chicago's music scene
CBC Concert-goers wearing imitation war paint offensive, poet laureate says
Music Business Worldwide Apple Music exclusives: and insider's view