Transmission: What We're Reading

Winnipeg Free Press Province to study Manitoba's cultural sector
The Verge This new digital music store could change the way we pay artists
Music X Tech X Future Music for the Snapchat generation: conceptualizing music stories
Noisey How Trump’s new border policies will hurt the American metal scene
David Emery Online Music stories
Vice YouTube’s restricted system is hiding LBGTQ videos
Noisey Why is Black music still rarely classified as mainstream pop?
FYI Music News It's sundown for HMV as Sunrise expands
Music Business Worldwide Spotify to sign new licensing deals with major labels ‘within weeks’?
Noisey We need to stop treating mental health like a selling point
Music Week Why the charts can't go back to the pre-streaming era
Noisey Why do we look down on pop stars who don't write their own songs?
The Violin Channel Musicians’ Union publish new airline cabin policy rating system
Gizmodo Streaming music services, from most screwed to least screwed
Winnipeg Free Press Work of art: Converting Exchange District building into space for creativity was bold move
Vancouver Courier Custom made: Vancouver has more female luthiers than anywhere else in Canada
NPR The most expensive record never sold
Winnipeg Metro New app aims to get Winnipeggers exploring the city like tourists
Consequence of Sound It’s official: drummers are smarter than you (and everybody else)
The Beaverton Fred Penner reinvents his music by joining death metal band