Transmission: Music Business Headlines

NOW Toronto Local heroes: UNCDTNL Support uplifts women of colour in Toronto's music scene
BBC Smart Speakers: Why your voice is a major battle in music
Music Business Worldwide 'The Music Industry's in for a really interesting 10 years...'
Pacific Standard How to make it big in hip-hop when your city pretends you don't exist
Billboard Everyone Wants to Be a Music Distributor -- But Is That Actually a Good Business Decision?
Music Business Worldwide Behind Billie Eilish: Meet the managers guiding the artist's global success
NPR Can Musicians Avoid Commercial Pressure And Still Make A Living? WILLS Is Trying
Global News Canadians continue to adopt streaming music, and there’s no going back: Alan Cross
Hypebot How Spotify’s Continued Expansion Is Killing Niche Music Genres
Complex The Music Industry Is Looking Into Getting Royalties From MMOs
Trapital Why Streaming Exclusives Are Here to Stay
The Time of Israel Founder of female-forward drum empire encourages musicians to ‘Hit Like a Girl’
Huck Magazine ‘So many people of colour in punk music get forgotten’
CDM The end of iTunes, an opportunity for Pioneer, new tools and standards