Signal Boost: Manitoba Music News Roundup

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Jacob Brodovsky
Apollo Suns
Burn and Turn Presents
Camerata Nova
Cat Jahnke
CKUW 95.9 FM
Don Amero
Heather Bishop
Jacob Brodovsky
Joey Landreth
Justin Lacroix
Manitoba Chamber Orchestra
Matt Epp
Mira Black
Olivia Lunny
The Small Glories
The Weakerthans
Times Change(d) High & Lonesome Club

The Globe and Mail Choral maestro Andrew Balfour pursues his Indigenous identity through music | Andrew Balfour, Camerata Nova

Winnipeg Free Press Winnipeg singer goes solo with new EP: Sixteen Years a preview of future releases for frontman of disbanded folk-rock group | Jacob Brodovsky

DIYMag Boniface releases new single 'ghosts' | Boniface

Oh Just Eat It Bullrider drops debut album, ‘Hidden Gems and the Love of Another’ | Bullrider

The Bluegrass Situation Listen: The Small Glores, "Secondhand" | The Small Glories

Winnipeg Free Press The Buzz | Don Amero

The Star Phoenix Music Notes: Concerts to make you Dizzy with delight | Cay Jahnke

L'Eau Vive Prix Trille Or: Et le gagnant est… | Manitoba MusicRayannah, Joel Couture

Sorstu Gala Trille Or 2019 | Yao, Cindy Doire et Mclean se distinguent parmi les gagnants | RayannahJustin Lacroix

FYI Music News Music News Digest, May 8, 2019 | Manitoba Music, Heather Bishop

Winnipeg Sun OUT THERE: Musical family keeps growing for Winnipeg trio | Cheaper Than DrivingTimes Change(d) High and Lonesome Club

The Reviews Are In Joey Landreth – Hindsight Album Review | Joey Landreth

El Tino Roman Clarke - You Can Find Me | Roman Clarke

Global News WCMA nods have local musicians amped up | Apollo Suns

Indie 88 CMW Daily Best Bets: Wednesday, May 8 | Olivia Lunny

Winnipeg Free Press One more time | Mira Black, Acoustically Inclined

Metro CKUW celebrates 20 years of FM broadcasting | CKUW 95.9FM

L'Action Festival de Lanaudière : offrir l’exclusivité | Manitoba Chamber Orchestra

Non Stop People Cyril Hanouna : L'animateur s'est pris un râteau par Élisa Tovati | Matt Epp

Brooklyn Vegan tours announced: Angels & Airwaves, Noname, Duster, Toasters, Felice Bros, more | John K. Samson, The Weakerthans

Signal Boost is posted every Friday. Have some media coverage that we’ve missed? Send a link to the online article to

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