Transmission: Music Business Headlines
Billboard The Queer Ally Guide to Making the Studio More Inclusive
Soundgirls Transitioning in the Music Industry
CBC From vixens to valkyries: how female representation has evolved in heavy metal videos
MTV How Women in EDM Are Fighting Sexism with Success
CBC Women on country radio are an endangered species, new research says
The Guardian 'It's an act of defiance': the rise of all-female festival lineups
FYI Music News Canada 360: Stats On Music Streaming Platforms
YouTube Creator Blog Updates to our manual Content ID claiming policies
Spotify The Do's & Don'ts of Sample Clearances
Trapital How Rappers Started Getting More Mileage Out of Their Music
NME New bands: own your masters, it’s more important than you think
Fader Will merch save or doom the music industry?
UCR Are opening acts becoming a thing of the past?
Music Canada Closing the Value Gap: How to Fix Safe Harbours and Save the Creative Middle Class - Music Canada
QZ A legendary music publicist’s foolproof method for making long-term decisions
CJR Can music journalism transcend its access problem?
Citylab The Rise, and Urbanization, of Big Music Festivals