Signal Boost: Manitoba Music News Roundup

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Lev Snowe
BreakOut West
Current Festival
Del Barber
Fred Penner
House Handshake
Jaylene Johnson/Josephine Lily Music
KEN mode
Lev Snowe
Manitoba Chamber Orchestra
Mariachi Ghost
Matt Epp
Noah Derksen
Paige Drobot
Papa Mambo
Sebastian Gaskin
The Gerry Hatricks
The Secret Beach
The Small Glories
Yes We Mystic

CBC Winnipeg artist Rayannah makes history at Western Canadian Music Awards | Rayannah

ICI Grand Nord Réflexion sur le hip-hop et la francophonie avec le rappeur Jacobus | Rayannah

L'aurore boreale Western Canada Music AWards: Rayannah, artist francophone de l'annee | Rayannah

Rolling Stone Why Del Barber Went Off the Grid to Record His New Album ‘Easy Keeper’ | Del Barber

Edmonton Journal Simple, vibrant spirituality is the secret to The Sojourners' sound | Del BarberRoman Clarke

Vents Magazine PREMIERE: Lev Snowe Releases New Single “Someday Soon” | Lev Snowe

Los Angeles Review of Books Real Life Rock Top 10: September 2019 | Yes We Mystic

Press Release Point At BreakOut West 2019, SOCAN Song House inspires songwriters | Sebastian GaskinRayannah

Exclaim M for Montreal Shares Full 2019 Lineup | Sebastian Gaskin

Brooklyn Vegan M for Montreal announces 2019 lineup | Sebastian Gaskin

Global News Planned Forks music festival a ‘love letter to Winnipeg’, say organizers | Current Festival

Winnipeg Free Press Music festival to debut next August at The Forks | Current Festival

CBC 25 Canadian musicians tell us why they're voting this election | Fred Penner

Winnipeg Free Press Red-hot rhythms live on | Papa Mambo

WitchPolice Radio WR425: The Gerry Hatricks | The Gerry Hatricks

Winnipeg Music Project WMP120 - The Gerry Hatricks | The Gerry Hatricks

The Manitoban House Handshake's road to Winnipeg | House Handshake

Cups N Cakes Paige Drobot Tour | Paige Drobot

Stylus Magazine KEN mode – 20 Years of Bringing the Noise | KEN mode

Chicago Tribune Young folk musician performs original songs in Grayslake | Noah Derksen

New Sounds Weekly Music Roundup: The Mariachi Ghost and Rachael & Vilray | The Mariachi Ghost

Exclaim ​Here are the 2019 Western Canadian Music Awards Winners | BreakOut West, Manitoba Chamber Orchestra, Rayannah, Begonia

Yorkton The Week Western Canadian Music Artistic Award winners announced | BreakOut West, Del Barber, Manitoba Chamber Orchestra, Rayannah, Begonia

FYI Music News Dan Mangan, NMC Top WCMA Trophy List | BreakOut West, Manitoba Chamber Orchestra, Rayannah, Begonia

Whitehorse Star Yukoners get awards at BreakOut West | BreakOut WestManitoba Chamber OrchestraRayannahBegonia

Londoner GVC grad named to Philadelphia Orchestra lead team | Manitoba MusicWinnipeg Symphony Orchestra

Weser Kurier Clubbetreiber und Kulturschaffende aus ganz Deutschland treffen sich in Bremen | Micah Erenberg

Ruhr Kurier Im Zeichen der Liebe | Matt Epp

Straight 62 things to do in Metro Vancouver on Friday, October 11 | The Small Glories

The Uniter Music, With Words In Mind | Jaylene Johnson, Ashley Bieniarz

NHL Winnipeg rock trio will welcome Jets players to ice at home opener | The Pumps

Metal Rulez Cell - Ancient Incantations of Xarbos | Cell

Signal Boost is posted every Friday. Have some media coverage that we’ve missed? Send a link to the online article to

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