Signal Boost: Manitoba Music News Roundup

Check out this week's edition of Signal Boost roundup for the latest music headlines and media coverage amplifying the music community in Manitoba.
CBC Manitoba Find out how a new local beer is helping to save music venues across Winnipeg during the pandemic... | Jim Agapito, Steve Nelson, Remember When Pilsner, Joey Senft, Park Theatre, Comeback Kid, Fort Garry Brewing
Global News Local beer to help support Winnipeg music venues through pandemic | Steve Nelson, Remember When Pilsner, High Five Drive, Clipwing, In2Months, Park Theatre, West End Cultural Centre, Times Change(d) High & Lonesome Club, The Good Will Social Club, Joey Senft, Fort Garry Brewing
CBC Fall 2021 guide: 27 albums you need to hear l Anthony OKS
Exclaim Royal Canoe Announce Canadian Tour, Share New Video l Royal Canoe, Living Hour
Wonderland Premiere: Royal Canoe – “Surrender” | Royal Canoe
Tinnitis Rusty Robot | You Are A Ghost: Exclusive Video Premiere | Rusty Robot
The Uniter Little Love Encounters l Rein
APTN News Radio station NCI in Manitoba celebrates 50 years of broadcasting l NCI FM
CBC How to watch and listen to National Day for Truth and Reconciliation on CBC l William Prince Wake the Giant an 'absolute banger' l William Prince
KelownaNow Your Voice: To the music fans of Kelowna l William Prince
The Chronicle Journal Workshops help lead up to big event l William Prince
Lance Last chance to catch St-BoniFest l Jérémie and the Delicious Hounds, Sala, Burnstick, Abrielle, Justin Lacroix
Winnipeg Free Press Cautious optimism as concert season starts: Groups large and small are tuning up for a fall of live music | Raine Hamilton, Bluegrass Symphony, Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Manitoba Chamber Orchestra, GroundSwell, Leanne Zacharias, Winnipeg Classical Guitar Society, Camerata Nova, Winnipeg Philharmonic Choir, Manitoba Opera, Women of Note, Women’s Musical Club of Winnipeg
The Uniter Arts Briefs l Apollo Suns, The Good Will Social Club, Brandi Vezina, Jazz Winnipeg, Nuit Blanche Winnipeg
Winnipeg Free Press WSO excited to hoot and holler with a live audience at bluegrass-flavoured season opener l Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra
CTV Manitoba musician performs Saturday l Emma Peterson
Brandon Sun Scarecrow Days marking 30th anniversary l Dust Rhinos
FYI Music News Music News Digest, Sept. 20, 2021 l BreakOut West
CBC Heather O'Neill reflects on what it was like when her debut novel won Canada Reads 2007 l John K. Samson
the reel bits .com Review: Violet l Venetian Snares
Colorado Springs Indy Concert Calendar: Sept. 22 through 2022 l The Small Glories
Guitar World From certified ragers to haunting, meditative fretboard excursions: here are this week's essential guitar tracks l Ariel Posen
Signal Boost is posted on Fridays. Have some media coverage that we’ve missed? Send a link to the online article to