Partnering, community involvement, and cooperative development are essential for the continuing growth of the Manitoba music industry. We partner with many organizations throughout the year to help promote events that highlight local music and work with community partners on projects that help develop local artists and the community.

Manitoba Music’s partners:


We have been lucky to work with a lot of stellar organizations and individuals on some very impactful and exciting programming. The nature of creative work necessitates a certain amount of flexibility when it comes to connecting on a project or event, but there are some things are typically eligible and some that typically aren’t.

Examples of projects and events that are typically eligible:

Examples of projects and events that are typically ineligible:

We get a lot of requests for support and partnership and unfortunately, we don’t have the resources to accommodate all of them.

Depending on the nature of the project, Manitoba Music may prioritize partnerships with members and not-for-profits.

How do partnerships work?

Manitoba Music’s partnerships are most often focused on value-in-kind promotion, leveraging our reach into the music community, including music fans, artists and companies.

We also share our experience, knowledge of best practices, and music industry connections to support projects.

We can also connect projects and events with our programs, including our Professional Development Program, Indigenous Music Development Program, and Francophone Music Program.

Partnerships may include:

In return, we are often looking for the following:

What about sponsorship?

Manitoba Music does not have a budget for cash sponsorships. We may, from time to time, be able to purchase advertising and materials. Requests should be made at least six months in advance.

How to get Manitoba Music involved…

If you have an idea or proposal for an event/project you’d like to see Manitoba Music involved with, please contact:

Rachel Stone
Operations & Communications Manager

We encourage those interested to email a brief summary of the event/project that includes confirmed and/or potential performers, confirmed and/or potential partners/sponsors, info on the communities reached, any special considerations, and how you would like to see Manitoba Music involved. We’re big fans of bullet points and would also be happy to meet in person or talk on the phone.

Free Resources Available To All

While we can’t always offer partnership, we do have a number of resources available to everyone, including:

Active Manitoba Music members can also connect with staff for an overview of additional promotional opportunities available (e.g. Song of the Week, streaming playlists, video gallery).

Local Partners

Black History Manitoba
Blur Fest
Creative Manitoba 
Cluster: New Music + Integrated Arts Festival 
Dauphin's Countryfest
Festival du Voyageur
GerryFest / RiseUp Mentorship
Good + Plenty Producers Club
Le 100 Nons
Manitoba Arts Network
Manitoba Country Music Association
Manitoba Film & Music
Nuit Blanche Winnipeg
PRIDE Winnipeg
Rainbow Trout Music Festival
Real Love Summer Fest
sākihiwē festival
Soca Reggae Fest
Soul Supreme Fest
TD Winnipeg International Jazz Festival
The Forks 
Tourism Winnipeg 
Wall-To-Wall Mural + Culture Festival
West End Cultural Centre 
Winnipeg Folk Festival 
YBK Entertainment

National & International Partners

Americana Music Association
Alliance nationale de l’industrie musicale (ANIM)
Alberta Music
Breaking Down Racial Barriers
BreakOut West / Western Canadian Music Alliance
CARAS / The JUNO Awards
Canada Council for the Arts
Canada’s Music Incubator
Canadian Council of Music Industry Associations (CCMIA)
Canadian Country Music Association
Canadian Live Music Association
Canadian Independent Music Association (CIMA)
Coup de Coeur Francophone
Creative BC
International Indigenous Music Summit
Music Export Canada
Music Managers Forum Canada
Music Nova Scotia
Music Publishers Canada
National Campus and Community Radio Association