Children's Folk Indie Singer/songwriter
Emily is a singer, songwriter, guitarist & wildlife biologist known as The Environmental Musician from Winnipeg, Manitoba. Emily’s unique songwriting combines her love for music and nature to help inspire people to get involved in environmental conservation. Inspired by the works of Johnny Cash and Joni Mitchell, Emily brings activism, honesty, storytelling, and imagination to her artistic style. She completed her Bachelor of Environmental Science Honours degree and a Master of Environment degree at the Univerisity of Manitoba, and has earned her Associate Wildlife Biologist Certification through The Wildlife Society. Emily has grown as a musician by taking part in the Emerging Artist Showcase and Mentorship Program hosted by the Manitoba Arts Network, as well as the Emerging Artist Program hosted by the Canadian Musicians Co-operative. She has performed at the Assiniboine Park Zoo, The Forks, Oak Hammock Marsh, the West End Cultural Centre and the Canadian Urban Forest Conference to name a few. Emily has performed and written environmental songs with elementary students in Winnipeg and is looking to book more of these opportunities as she continues her journey being The Environmental Musician. An education in environmental science has led this musician to open up and speak out on important issues and creatively unravel her knowledge into the world of music.