Danny Carroll
From the album Keys for Transformation
Featured track, available from August 24 to August 31
Danny Carroll is ready for his debut! The neoclassical composer and pianist is set to celebrate the launch of Keys for Transformation, released via Little Symphony Records, with a series of events in Manitoba this fall and winter. Audiences can catch Carroll's hometown event at Winnipeg's Westworth United Church on August 30 with upcoming performances at Steinbach's SCU Studio on September 29 and Winkler's PW Enns Concert Hall on November 9. Planning is underway for a spring 2024 tour of Manitoba and Saskatchewan in the spring of 2024. We've got the latest single "Healing" for you as this week's feature. Press play, read his Winnipeg Free Press interview, check out Carroll's website for behind-the-scenes coverage, subscribe to his newsletter, and don't miss him live!
Looking to promote new music and upcoming shows / activity? Manitoba Music members can request a Song of the Week by emailing info@manitobamusic.com. Spots are booked on a first-come, first-served basis, and sometimes fill up a few months in advance so be sure to reach out early! These songs are made available with permission of the artists/copyright holders and all rights have been acquired.