Jace Bodner
"Not Forever"
From the album Not Forever
Featured track, available from May 23 to May 30
Jace Bodner is heading into summer with some new music! The up-and-coming funk/soul/pop artist is set to launch his debut EP, Don’t Ruin The Love, on June 15. Bodner and his band will celebrate the new release with a little extravaganza at the Park Theatre on release day, with opening act Ben Notes. He's been busy releasing a string of singles, playing many (many) shows with his band and others, and working in collaboration with 47 Filmworks for five months on a stop-motion animated Lego music video for the EP's title track. We've got his song "Not Forever" for you as this week's feature... press play, don't miss the EP release, keep your eyes on his YouTube channel for the video for the title track on May 24 AND for the animated video after the release event, and stay tuned for plenty more from Jace Bodner!
Looking to promote new music and upcoming shows / activity? Manitoba Music members can request a Song of the Week by emailing info@manitobamusic.com. Spots are booked on a first-come, first-served basis, and sometimes fill up a few months in advance so be sure to reach out early! These songs are made available with permission of the artists/copyright holders and all rights have been acquired.