Aboriginal Funding Information Session
- Date
- Friday, Nov 2, 2012, 1pm - 3pm
- Featuring
- Gerri Trimble, Canada Council for the Arts
Noel Habel, Canada Council for the Arts - Location
- Manitoba Music Resource Centre
- Address
- 1-376 Donald St, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
- Promoters
- sākihiwē festival
Join us for an information session about music-related funding programs available to Aboriginal artists and organizations from the Canada Council for the Arts. The discussion will be quite open and participants will be encouraged to share successes and challenges with the rest of the group.
Some of the topics that will be covered include:
- Overview of music-related programs at the Canada Council for the Arts (including recording)
- Grant writing tips
- Draft project budgets
- The peer assessment process
The workshop is free if you register by Tuesday, October 30, 2012.
First come, first served.
Please Contact Alan Greyeyes to register or for more information.
Tel: (204) 975-0284
Email: alan@manitobamusic.com