Why Make a Record: New Artists Guide to the Biz - Brandon
- Date
- Wednesday, Mar 6, 2013 at 7pm
- Featuring
- Grant Paley, Paquin Entertainment Group
Jeremy Hiebert, Comeback Kid
Keri Latimer - Location
- Double Decker Tavern
- Address
- 943 Rosser Avenue, Brandon, Manitoba
Releasing an album is still the biggest opportunity an artist has to get noticed. However, it’s not as simple as just recording the 10 best songs and hoping to get discovered. To release a recording--be it a single, EP, or CD--you need networking skills, a strong marketing plan, good publicity skills, and a fan base with a social media presence. This workshop will present the ideas and techniques that all new artists should consider before they invest the time and money in putting out an album.
FOR MORE INFORMATION, please contact:
Roland Deschambault, Training Coordinator Manitoba Music
P: 204.975.5188
E: roland@manitobamusic.com