Northern Touch Music Festival Conference
- Date
- Friday, Jun 29, 2018, 11:45am - 7pm
- Featuring
- Murs, Paid Dues Festival
Chris "Kato" Ju, Katoon The Track
Dai Burger, Dai Burger World
Dj Miss Brit
Toki Wright, Soul Tools Entertainment
Sharath Cherian, Hip Hop DX
Elise Roller, Manitoba Music
Stephen Carroll, Manitoba Film and Music
Andrew Yankiwski, Into Music
Ashley Au
Morgan "MJ" James, 204 The Vibe
Jeff Hayward, Factor
Lisa Muswagon, Pink Party/Native Model Studio
Anthony Carvahlo
Erin Lowers
Alexa Potashnik, Black Space Winnipeg
Nathalie Kleinschmit, Prairie Mix
Pauline Leung, Leung & Co.
Les "More or Les" Seaforth, $5 Dollar Rap Show
Jawn Toboika, 40oz Heroes
Greg Struiken, New Skool Rules
Andrew Kilgour, Fresh Kils
Brian "Frost" Gamble, Frost Gamble
Genie Baffoe, B.O.S.S. Dance Crew
Yusuf, Muhummad, A3C Festival - Location
- Various Venues
- Promoters
- Northern Touch Music Festival & Conference
The Roblin Center - 160 Princess St
Rachel Browne Theatre - 221 Bannatyne Ave
Winnipeg, MB
Read about this year's delegates at http://northerntouchmusicfestival.ca/schedule-2/delegates-copy/
ALL ACCESS Festival Pass (Music + Conference) will get you access to all of our educational and music events all weekend with priority entrance to all the events. NO LINEUPS!
3-Day Music Pass will get you all weekend access to our afterparty music events in Forth, La Carnita and Palomino Club.
3-Day Conference Pass will get you access to both our conference venues Rachel Browne Theatre and The Roblin Centre all weekend to learn from our industry delegates.
All the events will be a cost of 10$ at each venue at the door. Priority will be given to those with passes.
Buy online at https://bit.ly/NTMFpasses
Friday June 29 2018
11:45 am Opening Remarks
12:00 - 12:45 PM - RELEASE STRATEGIES: Old School vs. New Wave
The conversation is not a new one. New wave artists versus old-school heads. Has this cultural divide helped or hindered hip-hop? How has it changed the business strategies of a breakout artist? How has internet and social media changed the game for artists new and old? Is there any clear cut path to success anymore? We discuss traditional roads to success and if they even matter in a world that has changed so much in the past few years.
1:00 - 1:15 PM - Touch Point #1
1:20 - 2:15 PM - ASSET REVIEW: Online Assets
This panel discusses online assets and reviews the online consistency of artists who attend. Dos and don’ts of the internet game. We meme business.
**Sign up for assett reviews will take place upon registration and picking up your passes - it is first come first serve**
2:20 - 2:35 PM - Touch Point #2
2:40 - 3:25 PM INCOME GENERATION: Revenue sources
Income and revenue generation is one of an artists biggest concerns. Sometimes it is a matter of collecting every penny you can in royalties, sometimes it’s about booking your own shows, sometimes it is about writing a marketing plan and applying for grants. In this panel we discuss income from the perspective of an artist, a royalty agency, business manager and a consultant. Which methods are you currently doing and which are you missing out on?
3:40 - 3:55 PM - Touch Point #3
4:00 - 6:00 PM - SKRATCHER Winnipeg Demo
6:00 - 7:00 PM - Festival Auditions - Your chance to audition for festivals around the world.
Saturday June 30 2018
11:45 am Opening Remarks
12:00 - 12:45 PM - ASSET REVIEW: Demo Listening
This panel discusses audio assets/demos and reviews the songwriting/production/style of artists who attend. This is a chance to get feedback from the types of people who would be receiving your music in the industry, find out what they think and if your message is coming through loud and clear!
1:00 - 1:15 PM - Touch Point #1
1:20 - 2:05 PM - ASSET REVIEW: Visual Assets
This panel discusses music video assets and reviews the consistency of the visual brand of artists who attend. Do people find the videos appealing and interesting or is the visual message not what you may be trying to accomplish.
2:20 - 2:35 PM - Touch Point #2
2:40 - 3:25 PM BUSINESS STRATEGIES: Future Trends
Blockchain, streaming services, profit sharing, royalties, public domain….all of these things are changing and reshaping the landscape of music. Not only is the creative sounds that drive the industry change, so does the technology, the business trends and the strategies. With an industry that is changing so rapidly, what can we know for certain? How does the panel see the future of music? Where should you be and what should you be thinking about today, that may help you out tomorrow?
3:40 - 3:55 PM - Touch Point #3
4:00 - 6:00 PM The Roblin Center -
6:00 - 7:00 PM The Roblin Center -