Manitoba Live Music Event


Wednesday, Mar 12, 2014 at 7:30pm
Guy Few
Nad­ina Mackie Jack­son
Manitoba Chamber Orchestra
Westminster United Church
745 Westminster Avenue, Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Advance Cost



“Com­pletely enga­ging from the moment they walked on stage”

You never know where an MCO con­cert will take you, but you’re always happy when you get there! Trum­pet vir­tu­oso Guy Few and bas­soon­ist Nad­ina Mackie Jack­son have planned a little jaunt for us with some­thing they call Car­nets de voy­ages — kind of a musical mys­tery tour. Roll up!

“… it was Guy Few and Nad­ina Mackie Jack­son who stole the show Tues­day. This duo is not what you expect of a vir­tu­oso clas­sical out­fit … an example of cut­ting edge per­form­ance style” (Guelph Mercury).

Few and Mackie Jack­son are artistic co-directors of the Grand River Baroque Fest­ival. Guy is also a ses­sional lec­turer at Wil­frid Laur­ier Uni­ver­sity where he teaches trum­pet and cham­ber music. He is a Yamaha artist.


“Few and Jack­son play with pol­ished tone, immacu­late inton­a­tion and infec­tious high spir­its; it’s obvi­ous they’re hav­ing a blast” (All Music) is how crit­ics have described Guy and Nad­ina. Known inter­na­tion­ally as soloists, cham­ber musi­cians, recit­al­ists and fash­ionis­tas, Guy Few and Nad­ina Mackie Jack­son have per­formed in Canada and the USA as con­cert soloists, multi-instrumental recit­al­ists and record­ing artists.

Tick­ets are $28 for adults, $26 for seni­ors and $8 for stu­dents, includ­ing GST, atMcNally Robin­son, the West End Cul­tural Centre (586 Ellice at Sherbrook), Organic Planet (877 West­min­ster Ave) or MCO’s Tick­et­line (204.783.7377).

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