Manitoba Live Music Event

Buona Sera

Thursday, Jun 3, 2021, 7pm - 8pm
Connor Derraugh
Online (access provided with purchase of ticket)
Winnipeg, Manitoba (MB)
Manitoba Brain Injury Association (MBIA)
Advance Cost

Buy Online



We are reaching out to you regarding 
 Brain Injury Awareness Month (BIAM)
 coming up in June 2021. 
Since 1987, MBIA has helped
 individuals and families cope with brain injury
 by offering support, education and advocacy. 

MBIA is hosting Buona Sera on June 3rd, 
 an event to support brain injury survivors
 and raise awareness to programs
 & services available through MBIA. 
It will be an evening filled with
 fine foods, music and real talk! 

We would be most appreciative 
 if you could support the event,
 get tickets and join us! 
We are always looking to educate more people, 
 de-stigmatize brain injury and provide support, 
 so your involvement would help very much! 

Your purchase of tickets in honour of 
 national Brain Injury Awareness Month 
 contributes to MBIA’s programs,
 direct services & planned activities. 

We look forward to your participation. 

Your options are: 

purchase a delicious meal
 that will be prepared and
 delivered to you by De Luca's 
 that can be enjoyed while
 viewing the program online 

or you can purchase access
 to the online presentation only 



Acceptance (Live) - Connor & Cordelia by Connor Derraugh

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