Music releases

Zanshin | Leaving the Heart Behind

Zanshin | Leaving the Heart Behind

By Fubuki Daiko

Saturday, April 24, 2004
Norm Dugas
College universitaire de Saint-Boniface chapel
Tatsumi Records

Zanshin--Leaving the Heart Behind is Fubuki Daiko's follow up to their award winning debut CD Fubuki. Balancing power with utter tranquility, the twelve tracks on Zanshin range from the most calming of melodies to a wall of sound. Put on your headphones, turn up and volume, and prepare to be changed.

Released on the Tatsumi label, Zanshin was recorded at Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface chapel and produced by Norm Dugas. It is distributed by Spirit River Distribution, or toll free 877-773-4787.

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