Music releases

Enchanting Melodies

Enchanting Melodies

By Sofia Bilozor

Friday, August 4, 2006
Antin Muzyka and Sofia Bilozor
Studio 188
Catalog No.

Ukrainian folk music with world flavour including flamenco guitar, bandura, 'bili holos' voice singing, and pop remix! After winning Canada's National Ukrainian Festival Idol 2005, Sofia has been busy finishing her demo and now releasing her first ever full length album "Enchanting Melodies" (Charivni Melodiyi). It's debut release was at the Ukrainian Festival in Dauphin August 4th and has been a success since its release! The album includes 10 traditional songs infusing Ukrainian Folk songs with Spanish flamenco music as well as traditional bandura pieces and acapela 'bili holos' music. It even has an original pop remix of the song Tyha Voda - Quiet Water mixed and composed by Antin Muzyka (of Moses Mayes). It is a new world sound that will appeal to all! CD is available through artist or at Oseredok Boutique (Ukrainian Cultural and Education Center-184 Alexander Ave East by Museum of Man and Nature 204-942-0218). Mastering by Shane Ward. For more information please email or

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