Music releases

Potemkin City Limits

Potemkin City Limits

By Propagandhi

Tuesday, October 18, 2005
G7 Welcoming Committee Records

Three visibly aging trainables, clearly in the wrong line of work and quite seriously on the verge of suicide, make a recording of their private thoughts set to music for distribution to the general public. New laments, meditations and extrapolations from people who just cannot believe they have to be here.

The band was almost dealt a death-blow in 2003 with the sudden departure of founding member and guitarist/ vocalist Chris Hannah, who left the band to pursue other interests. Remaining members Jordy Samolesky and Todd Kowalski quickly found a worthy replacement in one Glen Lambert, formerly of the Portage Terriers. Not only is Glen a much more rounded musician that the departed Hannah, but his commitment to "make politics sexy" has brought a newfound optimism to the once flagging band.

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