"Catcher is the kind of easy on the ears treat that, when drifting through your sound system, will immediately push out any negativity that may be gnawing at your psyche. Her bright, yet warm falsetto singing style and charismatic folk-pop musings reveal a deeper meaning every listen" (Winnipeg Free Press)
"Alive with genuine wit, revolt and yearning, the Manitoban has endowed Catcher's songs with soul. It has all the grit and messiness that come with being real, and that's exactly what makes her music memorable. Charming verses may rest on well-matched guitar strums and some reassuring, up-tempo percussion, but offbeat handclaps, wheezing trombones and a mocking kazoo are sure to keep you on your toes. Like the cymbal Melnick recounts having hand-hammered with her brother to later record on an eight-track, Catcher reveals its musical dents and pockmarks, to the glory of its maker." (Exclaim.ca)