No Depression is No More
No Depression published it's first issues in 1995, the same year that Emmy Lou Harris released her Daniel Lanois produced popular reinvention album Wrecking Ball, and Wilco released their first record AM. The name came from the first Uncle Tupelo record and the magazine was the un-official home of contemporary alt-country music, a term that they begrudgingly embraced.
As of this year's summer issue, the magazine will be no more. This was truly an artist friendly and independent publication, and it will be sad to see it go.
There is an interesting letter on their website about the current struggles of niche print publications, and specifically the struggles of music publications, related to the troubles in the music distribution business and shrinking advertising budgets of record labels.
As of this year's summer issue, the magazine will be no more. This was truly an artist friendly and independent publication, and it will be sad to see it go.
There is an interesting letter on their website about the current struggles of niche print publications, and specifically the struggles of music publications, related to the troubles in the music distribution business and shrinking advertising budgets of record labels.