DIY Roundup: Tips for Musicians From Around the Web
6 Tips to Busking Success: takin’ it to the street So you want to make money as a street performer, huh? Well, busking ain’t for the feint of heart; it takes perseverance and endurance. -Chris Robley, CD Baby
See More About: Outside-the-Box Busking Tips, Taking it to the Streets – Busking Tips From Veteran Street Performers
Being Open To Open Mic Nights About four years ago, I was in a band that was having a crack at breaking onto a local scene. For some reason, I thought that the best way to do this would be to book us as many local gigs as I could into a short space of time. In hindsight, I can’t help but question my logic. In my head, it had gone something like this: “Lots of shows meant lots of exposure, and lots of exposure means becoming the next Guns N’ Roses.” It didn’t quite work out like that… - Alec Plowman,
See More About: Playing A Gig When You’re Sick, Surprise Your Fans Sometimes: Don’t Give Everything Away All The Time
Musicians & Bands: 11 Must-Follow People on Twitter Twitter is loaded with awesome content and growing every second. Sometimes it’s hard to keep up– so here are 11 people we think are worth following on Twitter right now. - DIY Musician
See More About: Twitter Tip for Musicians: Patience is a Virtue, Musicians and Bands : Follow the Compass in Your Gut,