Islendingadagurinn Highlights Local Music and Icelandic Heritage in Gimli, Aug 2-5

Manitoban summers are no stranger to festivals, many of which honour our deep cultural roots or our thriving music scene. On this August long weekend, festival-goers can celebrate both in Gimli for the Icelandic Festival of Manitoba. Running August 2 through 5, the event -- the second oldest continuous ethnic festival in North America -- also offers food, crafts, games, competitions, sport, and even a Viking village.
The festival, also known as Islendingadagurinn, is set to take over the lakeside town for the 130th annual celebration of Icelandic heritage. With it comes plenty of live music, featuring performances from homegrown acts hitting the free stages.
This year's genre-spanning local lineup runs over two nights, with free outdoor performances on August 3 at the Gimli Garbour Stage and August 4 at the main stage at Gimli Park. Music fans can catch sets from internationally-renowned guitarist Ariel Posen, rock outfit Bullrider, indie pop act Efflo, R&B singer/songwriter Sebastian Gaskin, singer/songwriter Slow Leaves, pop/rock artist Liam Duncan, and more.
Check out the schedule of live music on the free stages below (keep it handy for the weekend with a free download of our MB Live concert-finding app) and check out the festival's website for a complete listing of activities.
AUG 3 | Saturday Nite at the Pier @ Gimli Harbour Stage
7:30PM LOA
8:30PM Liam Duncan
9:30PM Sebastian Gaskin
11:00PM Efflo
AUG 4 | Alternative Folk Festival @ Gimli Park, Main Stage
7:00PM Aurora Peiluk and Kieran Bjornson
8:00PM Brooke Palsson
9:00PM Ariel Posen
10:00PM Slow Leaves
11:00PM Bullrider