Acoustic Alternative Electronic Synthpop
"Familiarity and honesty are the strengths of his approach and you’ll find yourself relishing in the familiarity of tone while the catharsis of his honesty washes over you" - Clay Geddert, Cups N Cakes Network
"With a voice as rich as butter, Trenton Burton blends electronic ambience with honest bedroomer lyrics. Still rooted in the idea of folk and rock stylings, he twists the pages into his own version of elegant pop music" - Big Fun Fest
Trenton Burton spent the bulk of summer 2016 recording his debut album, Six to Twenty-One. He probably could have finished it earlier, but he was too embarrassed to sing around others. He consequently spent his evenings in an empty Transcona basement, feverishly texting "Please tell me you can't hear me" to his girlfriend upstairs and believing her lies that she couldn't.
His first completed track became his debut single, "Six," which he released that October. With double-tracked vocals, electronic mallets, snipped vocal samples and copious amounts of reverb, "Six" was entirely too honest and kind of a downer.
Burton followed it up with "Crumpled" a month later, which continued his habit of oversharing, but this time with a trumpet.
The sonic and lyrical themes continued throughout the rest of the album, which was released on February 1, 2017.
After playing three shows (one with a full band on release day, two awkwardly by himself), Burton spent the next four years attempting to write his sophomore album. He scrapped several concepts and realized he dodged a bullet when he heard similar themes on Chance the Rapper’s The Big Day.
In 2021, he finally narrowed down an idea and spent the rest of that year writing and recording (of course, he recorded vocals only when his wife was away).
The result, We’re Lucky We’re Here At All! released January 12, 2022. The album advanced his sound with the addition of acoustic guitar, vocoder and profanity.
Burton is now working on his third album, which will be finished when it's completed.