Spring Brings New Crop of Music Releases

It might not feel much like spring right now but the new crop of new music releases is a good indication that winter is over (maybe). There are over a dozen releases from Manitoba artists this month, from metal to roots to hip-hop to alt.pop. Some of the CDs have already made it to a shelf or interweb near you. You can catch the rest at the plethora of release parties coming up at venues throughout Winnipeg...
Paper Moon - Only During Thunderstorms | May 1
Blair Hordeski - Cold Cold Heart | May 4
Still Village - Still Village | May 2
Romi Mayes - Achin' In Yer Bones @ Pyramid Cabaret | May 14
The Playing Cards - Underwater @ Crescent Fort Rouge United Church | May 15
Crisis Jane - Don't Flatter Yourself @ Park Theatre | May 17
Grant Davidson - Tired Limbs for Ashes @ Times Change(d) | May 21
Codename: The Sharks! @ The Lo Pub | May 22
Transit Collective Compilation CD @ Park Theatre | May 24
Nestor Wynrush - Trinnipeg!78 @ Pyramid Cabaret | May 27
Grand Analog - Metropolis Is Burning @ Pyramid Cabaret | May 27
Dust Poets - World At Large @ Park Theatre | May 28
Heather Bishop - My Face is a Map of My Time Here @ Westminster United Church | May 30
Check out the Live Music Calendar for details on these and other great shows.