FACTOR Jury Training Sessions at Manitoba Music
Jurors play an integral role in FACTOR’s approval process and without their support, the successful adjudication of
FACTOR’s applications would not be possible.
FACTOR jurors are volunteering members of the Canadian Music Industry. Their knowledge, expertise, and ability to
interpret the current music landscape in Canada makes them best qualified to help FACTOR decide which applications are best suited for funding.
FACTOR believes that peer evaluation ensures a fair and transparent process and promotes appropriate representation across all provinces and musical genres.
How are Jurors selected?
FACTOR Jurors are valued for their experience within the Canadian Music Industry and areas of specialty, including
genres, industry, and artistic and professional focus. FACTOR jurors include artists, artist producers, artist managers, agents, promoters, record labels, publishers, publicists, radio DJs, etc.
Who can apply to be a juror?
Music industry professionals may be eligible to become accredited jurors provided that they meet the following
- They are a Canadian Citizen or a Permanent Resident
- They have a minimum of 5 years of music industry experience, and have been active in the industry within the last 2 years.
- They have confidence in their ability to make an objective assessment of a project based on the music and documents provided.
How can one apply to be a juror?
Potential jurors must fill out an online application form. This form can be found by going to factorjury.ca
and then by clicking on the “Apply To Be A FACTOR Juror” link. Once the application has been submitted, it will be
reviewed by a FACTOR staff member.
Juror Training Sessions
Anyone interested in becoming a FACTOR juror is encouraged to attend one of the upcoming juror training sessions at Manitoba Music (1-376 Donald Street). Please RSVP to info@manitobamusic.com by 5pm on Thursday, October 25 to confirm your attendance at one of the upcoming sessions:
Friday, October 26: 12 – 1 p.m.
Monday, October 29: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 30: 3 – 4 p.m
For more information about FACTOR, please visit factor.ca.