Nicole Yunker

Adult Contemporary

Nicole Yunker


Chasing a 30 Year Dream

Nicole Yunker has released her first two EPs “My Dream” and "Christmas By The Fire" which have been 30 years in the making. With Nicole’s classically trained voice, her warm vocals provide tracks that speak to the heart.

As a young child growing up in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba, Nicole loved singing for crowds especially if they fed her! Over the years Nicole embraced opportunities to perform for crowds but she also dreamed of recording music. She was fortunate to have studied with wonderful singing teachers throughout school and university.

Nicole realized in university while she was studying with many amazing singers that it would be tough to build a viable music career. Nicole changed her education focus, completed her degree and embarked on building her career as an Employment Counsellor in Dauphin, Manitoba.

Nicole said “I am passionate about my career as it gives me the opportunity to support and encourage others to follow their dreams.” Nicole also greatly values volunteering and giving back to the community.

Even while doing so, she never gave up on singing. “I am grateful that throughout the years I have had the opportunity to perform at various events.” Nicole shared that people often talked to her after performances encouraging her to further pursue her singing career.

One day in September 2020 Nicole’s life changed. One of her favourite singers, Mirusia, who is known to millions around the world as the "Angel of Australia" announced on Facebook that she would be providing lessons to students worldwide. “I applied and only told my husband because I didn’t think Mirusia would accept me as a student especially knowing people were applying from around the world.”

Nicole was thrilled when she found out she had been accepted to study with her. With Mirusia’s guidance and encouragement, Nicole decided it was time to make her childhood dream a reality.

“Mirusia asked me if I was 80 years old and had never recorded my voice how I would feel. I knew in that moment that I wanted to record an EP for my nieces and nephews.” Nicole shared how much Mirusia’s support means to her.“Mirusia has provided me with not only the singing techniques I needed but also taught me about how to make an EP.”

As a proud resident of Dauphin, Manitoba, Nicole recorded at the local radio station 730 CKDM. Many locals were instrumental in making her EPs happen! “There was a large group of people working behind the scenes that made my EPs possible. I am so grateful for all them and without their support this would not have been possible.”

Nicole’s EP not only features her beautiful voice but is also a reminder that we can accomplish our dreams at any age. To follow Nicole’s journey you can follow her social media or


Nicole Yunker
Dauphin MB Canada




"We Seek Thee God"

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